Mint Nectarine Beet Salad w/ White Balsamic Honey Dressing

Sorry for the late week update, we were busy prepping the house, studio, and lots of food for our launch party! A-Yo Kitchen’s Launch Party last weekend was a success!! We had lots of people come out to see the new space, studio, and enjoy TONS of yummy foods!  We featured many recipes that were found on the blog!  Each recipe has a post card next to it for guests to take home with them.  Thank you to everyone who came out!  The space is officially all set up as well as the rest of the house.  We provided tours to the spaces we offered as well as updates for the future of the space!  Lots on the horizon for A-Yo Kitchen but here are some pics from our event!

Now I know, you came here for some food recipes and food photos so here we go! So I LOVE going to the farmer’s market.  The smells, the vendors, and all that yummy fresh produce, not to mention baked goods and snacks, yes! As the warm weather hits, the more beautiful fresh produce I find and want to eat!  Plus, we have patches of mint just waiting to be eaten around the house.  And I’m a sucker for fresh mint.  We make mint tea (that recipe is for another day!), cocktails, and it’s one of my favorite additions to summer salads.  It gives a ‘pop’ of fresh flavor to just about anything, and I really don’t think mint gets used as much as it should!  I was at the farmer’s market this week, and the smell of nectarines drew me into to a fruit stand.  I bought a basket, and I couldn’t wait to get home and create a recipe for them.  The sweetness of the nectarines, combined with some sour pickled beets, are all finished off with some nutty toasted pecans, fresh mint, and tied together with a white balsamic honey dressing.  This salad screams summer, and that touch of mint will have your taste testers wondering what that yummy flavor is.  So grab your cutting board and chop up this delicious summer salad!

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Mint Nectarine Beet Salad with White Balsamic Honey Dressing

A unique summer salad packed with great flavors.  Fresh mint, beets, and nectarines compliment this white balsamic honey dressing very well!  Great dish to impress guests!


For the Salad:

  • 3 whole nectarines, de-pitted and sliced thinly
  • 1 cup of pickled beets chopped into bite sized pieces (I like pickled beets, but some prefer them roasted, those work too!)

1/2 cup of fresh mint, roughly chopped

6 cups of salad greens (I like mixed greens with spinach)

1/2 cup of toasted pecans, roughly chopped

1/2 cup of crumbled feta

For the Dressing:

  • 1/4 cup of white balsamic vinegar (champagne or white wine vinegar work as well if you're unable to find white balsamic!
  • 2 T of honey
  • 2 T whole grain mustard
  • 1/4 cup of olive oil
  • Salt and black pepper to taste


In a pan on medium heat, toast chopped pecans until fragrant, remove from heat and allow to cool.  Mix together all ingredients in dressing until well combined.  Set aside.  In a large salad bowl (or you can individually plate), place salad greens. De-pit and slice nectarines. Drain and chop pickled beets.  Roughly chop fresh mint. Place all of these on top of salad as well as the toasted pecans and crumbled feta.  Drizzle with dressing, toss salad, serve, and enjoy!

    6 thoughts on “Mint Nectarine Beet Salad w/ White Balsamic Honey Dressing

    1. I have drool on my keyboard. Your photos are luscious and I know the salad will make me very happy. Making it soon!

      1. Thank you so much for your kind comments Diane! I’m glad you enjoyed the photos 🙂 The salad is delicious! Let me know how you like it!

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